Summer is here, and the party season is upon us! Each December, with Christmas all around, the focus is on increasing participation and engagement in party games, and some bonus ideas for Christmas decorations.


Pass the parcel -
Use plain coloured paper and contrasting tape to make it visually less complex
Alternate the colour of the paper each layer, to make it easier to see what paper to remove
Wrap like they do at the supermarket deli and just use one piece of tape to secure – then it is easier to remove and open
To pass the parcel – reaching to one side to collect from your friend, then turning to the other side to give to your friend– and you’re practising trunk rotation at the same time!!
Choose music at a suitable tempo for your child – some children need faster music to increase their alertness, others need slower music to help them keep their body under control.
Pin the tail on the donkey -
Swap the pins for blu-tac so your child can push hard with fewer safety concerns
Place the poster of the donkey next to solid surface so your child can stabilise with one hand and use the other hand to stick their paper. A low table or dining chair might work well.
Musical chairs -
Use spots on the floor for kids to stand on as target areas instead of chairs. This means that children who use wheelchairs or walkers can pick a spot without having to transfer on and off a chair, and so can be fully included in the competition.

Add a pipe cleaner loop to baubles – pipe cleaners hold their shape, which makes it easier to grasp and then hang the baubles on the tree
Try a switch-adapted power box or voice output home automations like Google Home or Alexa so your child can turn Christmas lights on and off
Help your child choose which decoration to hang: they could reach, look, or say/yes no to the ones they want, depending on their access method
See below for Aided Language Display about decorating the Christmas tree.
If you would like some ideas on how to adapt your favourite holiday traditions so that everyone can join in on Christmas activities, please contact
